Submit your abstract for the EuPFI 12th Annual Conference (VIRTUAL)

Submit Your Abstract for the Upcoming EuPFi 12th annual conference (Virtual this year!)

Researchers are invited to submit the abstracts for the EUPFI 12th Annual Conference which will be virtually this year from 9-10th Sept 2020. The system is currently open for abstract submission and deadline for submission is EXTENDED to 15th July.

EuPFI has five workstreams each addressing a fundamental aspect of the development of medicines for children 1) Age Appropriate Formulations 2) Administration Devices 3) Biopharmaceutics 4) Excipients 5) Taste Assessment and Taste Masking. A new workstream on formulating medicines for developing countries is in formation. Thus, we invite abstracts for these topics also and look forward to hearing about the other scientific advances aligned with the overall theme of the conference, “Formulating better medicines for children,”

The EuPFI 12th Annual Meeting will be an exciting 2 days of top-level scientific information and communication. We look forward to seeing you there and will continue to provide updates on the scientific and social programme as it develops in the lead-up to 9-10th May 2020.

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