15th EuPFI Conference - 2023

Save the date for 15th EuPFI annual Conference - Formulating better medicines for children

Welcome to EuPFI 2025 Conference!

Welcome to EuPFI 2025 Conference!

EuPFI welcomes you to the 17th annual conference on formulating better medicines for children.

Join us for the 17th Annual Conference of the European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI), #EUPFI2025, in September 2025 where the forefront of paediatric drug development converges. This unique event brings together researchers, scientists, and students to share groundbreaking ideas and innovations at the crossroads of drug development and paediatric considerations.

Mark the date in your diary, and we eagerly anticipate hosting you at #EUPFI2025, where the pursuit of a healthier future for our children takes center stage.

Important Dates - E Conference 2025

Important Dates

  • February 28th, 2025 Preliminary programme announcement
  • January 10th, 2025: Abstract submission opens
  • June 20th, 2025: Abstract submission deadline. Please note there will be no extension on the deadline, and abstracts submitted after June 20th will not be considered unless it is a late-breaking abstract with appropriate justification for late submission.
  • July 10th, 2025: Notification about abstract acceptance
  • July 30th, 2025: Poster Submission Deadline
  • July 20th, 2025: Early Bird Registration

Conference Dates

September 16 to 18th 2025

Conference Venue

Bordeaux, France


EuPFI 2025 Programme - Click here

Sign up to our mailing list here and we will send you an email when the programme is online and keep visiting the website for conference updates in the meanwhile

EuPFI 2025 Call for Abstracts

EuPFI 2025 Call for Abstracts

Abstract Topics

  1. Age appropriateness of formulations
  2. Administration devices
  3. Biopharmaceutics
  4. Excipients
  5. Developing paediatric formulations for low resource settings
  6. Taste Assessment and Taste Masking
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To submit an abstract, the following criteria must be met:
  • Research and/or studies must fit into one of the EuPFI abstract topics listed above
  • Data already published by 15th Sept either online or in print, data presented at a national or international meeting will generally not be eligible for consideration. We encourage the authors to request special consideration (see section below) if the abstract is a minor extension of published work.
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Responsibilities of the Presenting Author

  • The first author listed for each abstract serves as the presenting author and as the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract, unless otherwise specified under the “Presenter Information” section of the online abstract submission system.
  • The presenting author must be one of the co-authors listed on the submitted abstract.
  • The presenting author is responsible for the following:
    • Ensuring that all authors have read the abstract and agreed to be co-authors. Failure to get approval from all authors will result in rejection of the abstract.
    • Notifying all co-authors of any additions, deletions, and changes to the program, as may be communicated by EuPFI.
    • Obtaining all of the conflict-of-interest disclosure and copyright transfer information from co-authors.
    • Forwarding all correspondence to all co-authors, including EuPFI submission guidelines and reviewers comments.
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Author's Consent and Waiver of Claims

  • Each abstract author agrees and certifies that he or she:
    • has read all of the rules and agrees to be bound by them,
    • is responsible for submission of the abstract in accordance with the rules, and
    • waives any and all claims against EuPFI and any reviewer arising out of or relating to the abstract submission and review process, including but not limited to peer review and the grading of abstracts.
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General Guidelines

  • The abstract must address scientific questions, detail clinical observations, or contain primary scientific data.
  • No revisions can be made after the abstract submission deadline, unless requested by the reviewers.
  • Abstracts generally may not be withdrawn once submitted. If you prefer that your abstract be withdrawn if not accepted for any presentation at the EuPFI conference, you must indicate so during online submission.
  • The presentation at the EuPFI conference must reflect the submitted abstract. In particular, the abstract title, authorship, and scientific content of the presentation at the conference must match the submitted abstract, although updates on results may be added.
  • Abstracts should be written in clear and concise English, so that reviewers are able to focus solely on the scientific merits of the submission. We encourage non-English-speaking authors to have their abstracts checked for grammar and spelling prior to submission.
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Preferred Presentation Format

During submission, submitters must choose the formats in which they would be willing to present/publish their abstract. These choices must be made at the time of submission and cannot be changed after the review committee has reached its decision.
  • Authors should select whether they prefer oral or poster presentation. Abstracts noted with a preference for poster presentation will NOT be considered for oral presentation, regardless of score.
  • Second, in the event that an abstract is not chosen for oral presentation, it can still be chosen for poster presentation. Authors who state a preference for oral presentation must decide whether they would accept poster presentation. Authors may either present a poster or request that the abstract be immediately withdrawn. (Please note that declining to have your abstract considered for poster presentation does not improve its chances of being accepted as an oral presentation. This option should be selected primarily by authors who would not be willing to present a poster.)
  • Finally, in the event the abstract is NOT selected for oral or poster presentation, it must be noted that their abstract will NOT be published on the EuPFI website.
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Requesting Special Consideration

  • Special consideration may be requested by explaining the special circumstances in the text box provided during the online abstract submission process. We encourage authors to request special consideration if the abstract is a minor extension of previously published work or if the author has a reason to believe that the data will be published, either online or in print, or presented in any form prior to the conference. The information provided will be carefully evaluated by the reviewers.
  • Failure of authors to request special consideration for an abstract, including content that has been published or presented at a major national or international meeting (‘major’ is defined as 1,000 or more attendees) or in a press release published before the EuPFI conference, will result in exclusion from the program.
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Abstract Review and Selection Process

  • After the submission deadline, all completed and eligible abstracts will be made available to the reviewing committee for blinded review and scoring, and final decisions will be made by the Program Committee.
  • Abstracts will be evaluated and scored solely on their scientific merits.
  • Incomplete abstracts will not be reviewed.
  • The same study must not be submitted as multiple abstracts. Abstracts that are simply different versions of a single study will be rejected.
  • Abstracts will be peer reviewed according to the topics. Authors must indicate during online submission the appropriate review category (one only). Please select the topic that is most closely associated with your abstract.
  • All accepted abstracts will be considered eligible for poster presentation even if it is selected for oral soapbox session. If the author, whose abstract is selected for oral, does not wish to present the poster, the author must inform the committee by sending the email to admin@eupfi.co.uk
    • Oral (soapbox) Sessions are formal 12 minutes oral presentations followed by a 3 min Q&A.
    • Poster Sessions allow the viewing of a poster illustration of the abstract. Authors are expected to post and remove posters at designated times and to be at their posters to answer questions during the time designated for poster presentations. The author’s attendance during poster presentation time will be monitored.
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Acceptance/Rejection Notification

  • Notification regarding acceptance or rejection of abstracts for oral presentation will be sent to the presenting author by 10th July 2025 and for poster presentation by 31st July by email (please note for late breaking abstracts this would be extended depending on submission); consequently, an accurate email address is critical. If your abstract is accepted, the e-mail will specify whether it is accepted as oral, or poster presentation. If you have not received an email notification by aforementioned timeline contact admin@eupfi.co.uk. Rejection notifications will also be sent at that time.
  • To ensure that you are able to receive email correspondence from EuPFI, please make sure that you use your email as the username while registering to the abstracts submission system. If after completing your submission you don't receive a confirmation email from the abstract system within three working days, you must contact EuPFI at admin@eupfi.co.uk
  • The decision of the EuPFI conference committee regarding acceptance and presentation of abstracts is final.
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Abstract Withdrawal

  • Once an abstract is accepted, a written request to withdraw must be submitted no later than Sept 1st, 2025 to admin@eupfi.co.uk. If the first author decides to withdraw the abstract for any reason. Abstract withdrawal requests received after the deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • EuPFI reserves the right to withdraw abstracts that are not as per the submission guidelines, such as those that have been previously published or presented, have been deemed scientifically unsound, or have been found to include inaccurate data, etc.
  • If you indicated at submission that you wish to withdraw your abstract if it is not accepted for either oral or poster presentation, your abstract will be automatically withdrawn, and you will be notified; you do not need to request withdrawal.
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Publication on the EuPFI website

  • All abstracts accepted for presentation (oral, or poster) at the EuPFI 2025 conference will be published on the EuPFI website
  • If an author does not want the abstract published, he/she must indicate that during submission.
  • EuPFI reserves the right not to publish abstracts that do not fit into any of the topics, abstracts that inappropriately promote commercial interests, abstracts that are judged unethical, poorly written, or scientifically unsound, or abstracts considered inappropriate for publication for other reasons as determined by the Program Committee.
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Abstract Submission Policies

Author Responsibility Regarding Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  • The presenting author is responsible for obtaining disclosure information from all co-authors.
  • All authors and co-authors are required to provide any relevant information concerning personal or professional circumstances and relationships that might reasonably be expected to affect the author’s view on the presentation.
  • This includes relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or other companies whose products or services are related to the subject matter of the presentation topic. If no relevant relationships exist, this must be stated as well.
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How to Submit an Abstract

  • Abstracts must be submitted online through the official online abstract submission site
  • We will acknowledge the receipts of abstracts in 5 working days. If you don't get the acknowledgement email please inform us at admin@eupfi.co.uk Or s.salunke@ucl.ac.uk.
  • Any technical questions regarding the submission process should be directed to admin@eupfi.co.uk

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    Preparing an Abstract for Submission

    please click here to view the abstract template

    Dos and Don'ts

    • Your name, degree, institution, address, phone number, and e-mail address must be provided. As the corresponding author, you will receive all future correspondence from EuPFI.
    • Please underline the name of the author who will present the abstract. Ideally, the corresponding author should be the first author (presenter) of the abstract, unless otherwise noted during submission.
    • Names of co-authors and institutions must be provided. Changes will not be made to the spelling of authors’ names after the submission deadline; please proof your co-authors’ names carefully.
    Abstract Title
    • The abstract title should be brief and clearly indicate the nature of the abstract.
    • The abstract title must be in sentence case and bold.
    • Additionally, keep letters lowercase if the lowercase letters have a specific meaning, such as pH or NaCl.
    • Do not put a period at the end of the title.
    Use of Product Names
    • Non-proprietary (generic/scientific) names should be used and should be lowercase.
    • If necessary, you may include a proprietary name in parentheses directly following the generic name after its first mention in the body of the abstract; the first letter of the name of a proprietary drug should be capitalised. EuPFI reserves the right to replace proprietary names with generic names to adhere to this policy.
    • Use standard abbreviations. Place abbreviations in parentheses immediately after the first mention of a term or phrase; the abbreviation can then be used throughout the abstract.
    Abstract Body, Tables, and Figures
    • Abstracts accepted for the EuPFI 2025 will be published on EuPFI website. Abstracts will be typeset from the text submitted by the author without copyediting changes. It is the responsibility of the author to proofread the abstract carefully.
    • There is no limit on word or characters of the abstract. However the entire body of the abstract, including title, authors, text and tables, must not exceed one A4 size page.
    • The abstract should be structured (i.e., divided into sections using terms such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, etc.) .
    • Do not use bold type or underline formatting for the body of the abstract. Italic type is acceptable. Only the Title and Authors must be bold.
    • Text may be in multiple paragraphs. Do not indent the first line of paragraphs.
    • Special Greek and mathematical symbols are available in a character map within the submission system.
    • Use numerals to indicate numbers, except when beginning sentences.
    • Simple tables and graphs may be included.
    • Any references should be noted as citations within the text and not as footnotes at the end.
    Selection of Abstract Review Category
    • Be sure to select from the topics that best describes your abstract. Note that the abstract will be reviewed in the topic you selected.
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    Abstract Template

    please click here to view the abstract template

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    PCCA Awards

    This year again we have 3 Poster Awards and 1 Oral presentation Award sponsored by PCCA. The overall purpose with the award is to encourage students and early career researchers to share experiences and results with others through quality poster presentations.
    Number Offered: Four awards of Euros 250 each for the best 3 poster presentations and 1 oral presentation made by a student/early career researchers at the EuPFI Annual Conference.
    Application Closing Date: Eligible poster/Oral author who wish to be considered for the “Best Student Poster/Oral Award” have to indicate their interest during the submission of the abstract. The participants need to raise the interest at the time of submission of abstract. Click on button ‘would like to participate in PCCA award’ during the submission of abstract.
    How to be considered for an Abstract Achievement Award:
    • Eligible poster/oral author who wish to be considered for the “Best Student Poster/Oral Award” have to indicate their interest during the submission of the abstract by 15th July
    • Submit the pdf copy of poster by 1st September 2025 to admin@eupfi.co.uk, if you have registered the interest while submission. Please note that if you do not submit the pdf copy of your poster by deadline, your poster won't be considered for the award.
    • All eligible posters will be on display throughout the event and lead authors will be required to be present to answer questions about their posters at set times during the event
    • The best posters should make a significant contribution towards improving identified issues and challenges associated with development of paediatric formulation, to ultimately raise awareness and consider ways towards better medications and clinically relevant dosage forms for children. Award Criteria
      • The applicant must be the presenting, and thus first named, author of the abstract.
      • The abstract must be the only one submitted by the applicant for that award. Only one award per student.
      • The abstract must not be entered for consideration for any other Annual Conference awards.
      • The work presented must have been completed as part of a first degree, a taught Masters degree or a postgraduate qualification (PhD). Work must be presented within 12-months of completion of the degree.
      • The awards will be given for excellence, reflected in the content, presentation and defence quality of the poster.
      • The Awards Panel's decision is final in all cases. The panel is composed of PCCA and EuPFI representatives.
      • After the meeting, “electronic” versions of the winning posters will be posted on EuPFI and PCCA websites.
      • About the SponsorProfessional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA) is a multinational company dedicated to the advancement of pharmaceutical compounding through its over 4,000 members worldwide. For more than 30 years, PCCA has been a leading resource for the highest quality raw materials; innovative bases, equipment and devices; compounding pharmacy software; specialised consultancy services and accredited education and training. PCCA’s mission is to strengthen the role, position and skills of member pharmacists so they can meet the unique healthcare needs of patients through compounded medications.http://www.pccarx.com/what-is-compounding/specialty-compounding/pediatric-compounding

    • Abstract Achievement Award Notifications:

      Abstract Achievement Award recipients will be notified and will receive an award on day two of the conference.

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      EuPFI Young Scientist Award

      This year again we would like to announce EuPFI Young Scientist Award, supporting development of younger scientists in the paediatric formulation research. This award will provide free registration for students, young and early-career scientists to attend and present a soap box talk or poster at the EuPFI 2025 conference.

      Number Offered: 1 award is available to enable individuals to attend the EuPFI 2025 Conference and present the research. Awards are made on the basis of scientific merit and financial need.

      Eligibility: Applicants must be currently:
      • Under the age of 35 years of age at the time of application
      • A full time student, post-doc OR within the first five (5) years of a professional career
      • Submitted a data-driven abstract that meets EuPFI' requirements
      • First author of an abstract accepted for selected for presentation at EuPFI 2025
      • The author MUST register and present the poster or oral presentation at the conference

      How to apply: The Eupfi young scientist will open for applications on 30th May 2025 The applicant will be required to complete the application form. CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE AND SUBMIT THE APPLICATION FORM . The application includes sections where the applicant needs to specify details on how the grant will be spent and and how the applicant will benefit from this opportunity The completed application must be accompanied by
      • A short biography for publication on the EuPFI website (100 words or less)
      • Your current curriculum vita or resume including your permanent address (PDF or DOC).
      Application Evaluation Criteria: Applicants must submit an abstract in accordance with the EuPFI Call for Abstracts to be eligible for a travelship. Please note that travelships are contingent on the acceptance of the abstract for presentation by the EuPFI Screening Committee. The abstract will be evaluated according to the following key criteria:
      • Is the conclusion of the study data-driven?
      • Will viewers find this study novel or exciting?
      • Does this study advance its field?
      • Does the author's selected strategy for evaluating the hypothesis suit the project?
      • Check the box that indicates to which theme your abstract relates and if you wish to participate to travel awards when you submit the abstract through submission system.

        Application Deadline: The deadline for submitting applications for Eupfi Young Scientist is 31st July 2025 . All application material must be received by the application close date for consideration. Late applications will not be considered. Travel awards cannot be used for meetings already attended. Posters will be displayed at the EuPFI conference in September 2025 All poster presenters must be registered by Aug 15th. Any winner that is not registered by Aug 15th will have both the registration and the poster withdrawn.
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        Contact Information

        Send related correspondence and questions regarding abstract submissions or notifications to admin@eupfi.co.uk
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    Registration Guidelines

    All participants are kindly recommended to register via Online Registration Form on APV website. Please fax this document to APV Headquarters: 0049 6131 9769-69 or send it via email to apv@apv-mainz.de. Please read the instructions on the APV website carefully.

    To benefit from the reduced early registration fee, please process your registration before July 20th, 2025.

    Upon submitting the Registration Form, You will receive a confirmation by e-mail of your registration with the invoice.

    All participants are kindly requested to register in advance by completing and submitting the Registration Form with the appropriate fees.

    Registration fees

    Please note unpaid pre-registration will not be considered as a valid registration unless fully paid and confirmed. Pre-registration summary therefore cannot be taken as a valid registration confirmation. Please make sure to pay your registration fee within the time frame for early or regular registration.

    Students have to submit a copy of their student ID to the Conference email/contact address or fax number. Please note that if we do not receive this certification within 7 days after your data submission your registration will not be considered as valid. 

    *Early Bird Deadline is 20th July 2025

    Delegate registration fee includes

    • Admission to scientific sessions, exhibition and poster area
    • Conference materials
    • Coffee breaks
    • Lunches
    • Conference Dinner & Social Programme


    The registration fees do not include insurance of participants against accidents, sickness, cancellation, theft, property damage or loss. Participants are advised to take out adequate personal insurance.


    Upon receipt of the correct registration fee (clear of bank charges), each participant will receive a confirmation of registration. Please bring this confirmation to the Registration desk at the conference venue as proof of your registration. Confirmation will be sent upon receipt of payment.


    All fees for the Conference registration should be paid in EUR (€), free of all bank charges.

    Payment options

    • credit card payment (Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard)
    • by bank transfer

    Cancellation / Refund Policy

    We would like to point out that participation can be cancelled free of charge within two weeks of registration via the web.

    Publication in the list of participants

    In case you wish not to include your name and email address in the list of participants please send email to the Conference secretariat.


    The participant acknowledges that he/she has no right to lodge damage claims against the organisers should the holding of the Conference be hindered or prevented by unexpected political or economic events or generally by force majeure, or should the non-appearance of speakers or other reasons necessitate programme changes. With registration, the participant accepts this proviso.

    Exhibition and Sponsorship

    We are glad to tailor a sponsor package (starting from 1000 EUR) according to your wishes.

    For general information, Click here

    As an exhibitor you will be also invited to attend the sessions and network at the Networking Dinner in the evening. At the conference center the poster presentations will again be integrated in the exhibition, ensuring that participants are around the exhibition stands as much as possible. Price for a tabletop space with table, chairs and power supply is 990 EUR plus one mandatory full conference registration (register before July 20, to take advantage of the early bird fee!).

    For details regarding sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please contact

    Valentina Marinkova
    Phone: ++49 6131 9769-90
    E-mail: marinkova@apv-mainz.de

    We look forward to seeing you in Bordeaux!


    17th Conference of the European Paediatric Formulation Initiative

    Conference Secretariat

    International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology
    Kurfürstenstraße 59, 55118 Mainz/Germany

    Tel.: +49 6131 9769-0
    Fax: +49 6131 9769-69
    Website: www.apv-mainz.de
    E-mail: apv@apv-mainz.de

    European Paediatric Formulation Initiative

    Website: www.eupfi.co.uk
    E-mail: admin@eupfi.co.uk

    University College London School of Pharmacy, 29-39, Brunswick Square London , WC1N 1AX Phone:+44 20 3987 2885 Fax: 0044 20 7753 5942 ;

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