EuPFI recognises that not all members can contribute to the funding of EuPFI activities, or that each member can be equally active, so has set up different levels of memberships. Membership comes with an expectation that each member will be active in the work of the consortium by joining workstreams and contributing to projects and relevant activities.
EuPFI Core Members
Active participants and determine strategy and direction to build up the profile and deliver on the objectives of EuPFI.
Voting member – Decision making and providing a direction for the activities of the EuPFI.
Workstream leaders/members – need to be able to define what expertise they can contribute to the workstreams. This may be the Institution nominated individual or anyone within their organisation they designate.
Attendance at TCs and F2F meetings. On the occasions they are unable to participate, the nominated individual from an institution should provide a deputy.
Get quarterly electronic detailed updates/newsletters.
Affiliation listed on our website.
Participation fee for Industry/profit making organisations, 10K/year for 3 years (renewable after 3 years). (5K For subsidiary of companies already a member), (No participation fees from academia/hospital/associations core members).
Discount available for EuPFI conference (if needed).
EuPFI Associate Members
Non-voting member, however may make (direction) proposals for consideration by core members.
Member of a workstream(s) and attend appropriate workstream TCs/meetings ; need to define what expertise they can contribute to the workstream and are committed to being an active member.
Attendance at any core group members meetings by invitation only.
Discount available for EuPFI conference (if needed).
Affiliation listed on our website.
Provide funding/resource.
Discount available for EuPFI conference (if needed).
EuPFI Interested Parties
Express a willingness to be contacted/approached should additional ‘man-power / expertise’ be required for activities and to provide input – eg to surveys, beta-testing.
Highlights and updates visible via our website.
Not-recognised on EuPFI website.