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The main objective of the EuPFI is to help resolve scientific, regulatory and technological issues associated with paediatric formulation development by writing reflection papers, organising conferences, developing knowledge repositories and promoting dialogue through their website.

Currently, there are five workstreams of the EuPFI covering:

  • Pharmaceutical excipients
  • Taste masking and taste assessment methods
  • Extemporaneous formulation and dispensing
  • Administration devices
  • Age appropriateness of formulations


Of these, the highest priority is being given to the development of an evidence based database addressing the safety/ potential toxicity of pharmaceutical excipients likely to be used in paediatric drug development (subgroup 1).


Currently the EuPFI consists of 13 members, but it is looking to expand this number, in order to secure additional expertise, resource and funding to help deliver on objectives and actions.

Initially, the seven founding industry members raised sufficient funds to employ an information scientist to develop the excipient database (workstream 1), but this funding needs to be extended to make the database sustainable.

Latest News

  • Abstract submission – EuPFI 2024
    Abstracts should only be submitted via the online submission links below. Please note, abstracts submitted via email or fax will not be accepted. For oral presentations, ...

Membership & Sponsorship Benefits

  • The underlying principal for any organization/ individual involved with the EuPFI must be the desire to improve the development of medicines for children in a pre-competitive way.
  • We believe that membership of such an altruistic group is something that many organisations & individuals would want to aspire to, to be at the forefront of advancing Medicines for Children.
  • Membership provides you with an opportunity to influence the shape and future of paediatric formulations.
  • It allows or facilitates access to information, networks and services such as EuPFI web space, conferences programs, provided by the consortium.

Our Five Workstrems

EuPFI has five workstreams, on extemporaneous preparations, taste-masking and testing, administration devices, age-appropriate formulations and on excipients with a major database project, known as STEP (Safety and Toxicity of Excipients for Paediatrics), designed to provide information for the risk assessment of use of excipients in children.

Pharmaceutical Excipients

Age Appropriateness of Formulations

Modification of Dosage Forms Required for Children (MDFRC)

Administration Devices

Taste Masking and Taste Assessment Methods