The purpose of the workstream is to:
1. Understand the current tools available to measure biopharmaceutical performance ofpaediatric medicines
2. Highlight the importance of additional research into paediatric biopharmaceutics
3. Undertake collaborative research to drive the development of age-appropriate in vitro toolsthat can be used to predict the in vivo performance of paediatric medicines
Our current priorities are:
- Prioritise research activity to be undertaken in paediatric biopharmaceutics
- Review strategies currently used in bridging studies to support the development of paediatric medicines
- Review the impact of food on the predicted in vivo performance of paediatric medicines
Our achievements to date include:
- H K Batchelor, R Kendall, S Desset-Brethes, R Alex, T B Ernest. (2013) Application of in-vitro biopharmaceutic methods in development of immediate release oral dosage forms intended for paediatric patients. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. 85(3): 833-842 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpb.2013.04.015
- Global Research in Paediatrics (GRiP) series of "Meet the Expert in Paediatric Formulations". In-vitro biopharmaceutic methods in the development of oral dosage forms for children presented by Hannah Batchelor
- Presentation at EuPFI annual meeting 2013: Paediatric biopharmaceutics: current status. And associated publication; H K Batchelor. Paediatric Biopharmaceutics Classification System: Current status and future decisions. International Journal of Pharmaceutics Online publication complete: 14-MAR-2014 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2014.02.046
If you are interested in joining or would like further information please contact Hannah Batchelor (h.k.batchelor@bham.ac.uk)