Links of interest EMA - Medicines For Children FDA Pediatrics the World Health Organization: Essential medicines for children UNICEF: Sources and prices of selected medicines for children Inactive Ingredient Search for Approved Drug Products Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency: Legal requirements for children's medicines Excipient a effets notoires Publications From the Office of Pediatric Therapeutics and FDA Prequalification:Paediatric Formulations Paediatric news from the National Electronic Library for Medicines and MHRA Paediatric updates NICHD & USFDA Intra-Agency agreement,Oral formulations platform report Prequalification:Training Workshops on Pharmaceutical Development with a Focus on Paediatric Formulations Europa - Food Safety - Chemical Safety of Food- Food Flavouring - Flavouring Substances European Commission - Medicines for children - Major developments SPaeDD-UK: Smart Paediatric Drug Development Articles of interest Excipients in medicinal products used in gastroenterology as a possible cause of side effects. Safety issues with ethanol as an excipient in drugs intended for pediatric use. PAEDIATRIC FORMULATIONS OR EXTEMPORANEOUS DOSAGE FORM FOR ORAL LIQUIDS ‘EXPERIENCE ACQUIRED ’ AND ‘LESSONS LEARNT ’