What We Do

The European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI) was founded in 2007 by a group of members from Pharmaceutical industries, hospital and academics interested in research in children medicines to formulate better medicines for children.

The main objective of the members was to resolve scientific, regulatory and technological issues associated with paediatric formulation development. Since its establishment, it has now evolved from a club of members to a consortium of 14 institutions working in a pre-competitive way on paediatric drug formulations.

Currently, there are five subgroups of the EuPFI covering:

Administration devices


Taste Masking and Taste Testing

Age Appropriateness of Formulations

Pharmaceutical Excipients

Better and Safer Medicines for Children

We are collaborating in a pre-competitive way on paediatric drug formulations to bring better and safer medicines for children.

Purpose of Consortium

  • To identify the issues and challenges associated with development of paediatric formulation in order to raise awareness and consider ways towards better medications and clinically relevant dosage forms for children.
  • To identify potential information, knowledge, know-how gaps in the paediatric formulation development.
  • To promote early pharmaceutical consideration for development of paediatric medicines.
  • To improve the availability of information of paediatric formulations.

We will achieve this by

  • Sharing experiences and expertise through interactive discussions and feedback between industry, academia, clinical and regulatory professionals.
  • Making the information (publications, reflection papers etc.) visible/available through website.
  • Raising awareness through publications and regular conferences/workshops.
  • Lobbying to generate funding to support future academic or industrial research worldwide.
  • Linking with other interested parties and relevant networks to maximise the operational capacity and information exchange.

EuPFI Consortium

EuPFI consortium consists of companies, associations and academic institutions